Shopping list Europe

Hi everyone!

I live in the Netherlands and I would like to start building my MPCNC.

I want to do simple woodwork and mill PCB in the future.


I know I need to source my conduit here, that is the easy part.

For a router I read that the Dewalt DWP611 is good for in europe. Any other European members here with better alternatives?

I want to buy the rest as bundles from here:
Which board should I take? (mini rambo, rambo)
Am I forgetting things?
Any help would be much appreciated!
All the best from Amsterdam.

I believe the European version of the DWP611 is the D26200. Note that it is both larger and heavier than the suggested DW660, which doesn’t apparently have a European version. The Kress models are also well thought as an alternative.

You need to verify which tubes you can get, the conduit we use in the USA isn’t easily available in Europe, you have different sizes over there. Once you have sourced your tubing you can start the rest of the purchasing process.

The miniRambo vs. Rambo choice is gated by your needs. The full Rambo is only needed if you are going to go the dual endstop route. If you are primarily going to be cutting wood and don’t need unusually high precision then you can save some money and complexity by going with the miniRambo. If you are planning on production quantities of parts and need the repeatability of running each project over and over with exactly the same results you are better off with the dual endstop version and need the full Rambo.

Either way you go you might consider the display as an add on, it can be convenient to run your program without having to put a PC in the shop next to your CNC, and if you are doing very detailed carving it will run smoother from an SD card than over a USB connection.


Hi Bill!

thanks for you super quick response!

Tubes of 25 mm are no problem here luckily so that one is fine.

I have now progressed to this list:

Stop Button

Graphic Smart Controller

Printed parts 25 mm Burly

CNC Parts Bundle 6A / No Board - Dual Wiring Kit

Rambo v1.4


I want to order the Rambo separately since the kit with it is sold out.

So the only thing left is to figure out the router and see if there is a custom mount I can print.

What do you think, am I close like this?





Yep, that looks right. Like Bill said, check out Kress. <<-- I think that one will fit the new burley parts.

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Hi Barry!

many thanks for your answer.

Kress seems very noisy from what I read, any other brands that could be cool (maybe Makita)?



Any of the handheld trim routers sound like a banshee on crack. “Quieter” spindles will be the dc brushed or brushless spindles. Once you factor in the vac system, and the mill actually cutting something, it’s not much different.

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Lovin the banshee saying! :wink:

Hi Dennisc,


I am also building a MPCNC right now. Finished printing and now looking for the right tubes/conduits. which 25 mm are you gone use? Stainless steel? I think its is expensive; could there be an alternative you think?

Regards, Tim

Hi Dennisc,

I also live in Holland. I am just starting my MPCNC build. I would like to know were you bought your conduit in Holland. Have you finished your build by now? Did turn out to be what you expected?

Kind Regards, MFJ

Hi man,

did not pursue this!

Good luck!


I bought the tubes in Germany, as I live 6 km from the border and it was a lot cheaper over there. I could use an address to have it delivered over there.

I use a makita router RT0700C. It works much smoother then the clone i had for about 100 hours, then it broke down… Bearings are a piece of sh#t as are the brushes.

They cut them pretty accurate.

I wouldt try… .com is a landingpage


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